Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Expand Your Business

If you are thinking to expand your business then you need to know the following secrets of growing the business.

Make your business plan to expand the business. If possible, do some research about whether you are able to open another location of your business.

USP (unique selling proposition) is important for your business. Create brand image of your products and services. Keep long term relationship with ideal customers

Marketing is important for your business. Emphasize on marketing facts.

Expand your business to the internet through an effective web site and effective content materials which will draw the visitor into the site and get them to stay, because it is becoming an integral part of today's business. 

Diversify the products and services of the business which can often fill seasonal gaps, increase sales and also the profit margins.

License your product to minimize the risk of losing control of your business product and services. You can find a licensing partner.

Work hard and be honest to your customers and clients because honesty is the best policy.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Proper Career Planning

For a successful career everyone need a proper career planning. The planning processes are consist of four stages. These stags are - knowing, finding, making and taking.

I would simply called it KFMT, (in short) to remember them. Graduates should know about KFMT, very well,  if he started thinking about his career.

Knowing means knowing himself where the graduate want to be, the graduate can work on getting to know his or her skills, interests and values first.

Finding means finding out a way or exploring which occupations and learning areas he or she is interested to work.

Making means making the decision at the time of comparing his or her options. Think about what suits the graduate best at this point in time.   

Taking means putting the plan into an action. 

I would like to give an easy example to explain the whole process. Mr. X who is a husband of Mrs X. Mrs X has given a shopping list to Mr. X. 

Reading the list Mr. X is knowing what he needs to buy.
Then he finding out his time to do the shopping. He has gone for the shopping after his office.
Going to the departmental store he is making decision. He is comparing his options.
Finally, Mr. X is taking the action by purchasing the right things he needed from the shopping list.