Wednesday, May 29, 2013

graduate job career
Every year many graduates are completing their education and entering into the job market. These graduates need to be prepared themselves  before they start fight in the job war. Sometimes the art of writing a resume remains a major challenge for Candidates. Following some points can help the Candidates to write a resume to securing interviews. But one thing to remember that no proven strategy is there for securing interviews of jobs.

  1. At the top you should have your name and contact information.
  2. Be specific on your objective.
  3. Highlight your relevant experience section
  4. Your education should be in the top half of the resume, even if you are currently employed.
  5. Mention all internships, part and full time jobs chronologically with the most recent experience first under JOB EXPERIENCE.
  6. Mention if you have taken TOEFL or SAT because your English fluency will be scrutinized most.
  7. Mention your basic computer skill such as - word, excel, PowerPoint and mention more skills if you have.
  8. List your hobbies, sports or voluntary work, awards under OTHER ACTIVITIES.
  9. In the REFERENCE section, write the names and contact information of three people who know you in a professional context.


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