Thursday, May 30, 2013

Building career in bank

career in bankAfter completing graduation, graduates think often about their career and future as they are responsible for building their own careers. It is very important to choose the right job then. There is no doubt that business graduates first choice is bank.

There are lots of advantages you can get if you build up your career in a bank. The most important benefit you will get from bank is personal enrichment like handling your own money which will help to have a successful financial and secure future. Banks provide some great benefits too. Such as- bank gives you paid vacation, medical allowance, loan facility, retirement compensation etc. Interaction with different type of people and working in  a professional environment will lead you positively. Banks provide training often which will increase your skills definitely.

One important thing is if you think you want to work in bank then start your career in bank and be experienced in bank job. Switching different types of company may hamper your experience growth. It will be better if you complete your internship in a bank, if you have plan to join in a bank after your graduation. That will make you clear about bank's working environment. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

graduate job career
Every year many graduates are completing their education and entering into the job market. These graduates need to be prepared themselves  before they start fight in the job war. Sometimes the art of writing a resume remains a major challenge for Candidates. Following some points can help the Candidates to write a resume to securing interviews. But one thing to remember that no proven strategy is there for securing interviews of jobs.

  1. At the top you should have your name and contact information.
  2. Be specific on your objective.
  3. Highlight your relevant experience section
  4. Your education should be in the top half of the resume, even if you are currently employed.
  5. Mention all internships, part and full time jobs chronologically with the most recent experience first under JOB EXPERIENCE.
  6. Mention if you have taken TOEFL or SAT because your English fluency will be scrutinized most.
  7. Mention your basic computer skill such as - word, excel, PowerPoint and mention more skills if you have.
  8. List your hobbies, sports or voluntary work, awards under OTHER ACTIVITIES.
  9. In the REFERENCE section, write the names and contact information of three people who know you in a professional context.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

smart employee
Now a days companies seek smart employees to hire. Because a smart employee definitely has good work habits which is efficient for the company. So it does not matter where we work. It is important to develop good work habits in our workplace. Try to follow the following tips to work smart in your office.
  • Be sincere: Sincerity never disappoint us. When we give attention to our work then our work gives something in return. Don't waste time. Always try to finish your work quickly but accurately.

  • Update your skills with latest technology: If we know how to use latest technological tools then that can be our extra advantage. Try to update your knowledge and skills with the latest gadgets also.

  • Team work: Try to work in team and be a team player. Try to build up a team for planning and execution of projects. Keep good relation with your coworkers. 
  • Take challenges: Try to take challenges if you have confident. We need to learn critical skills. Keep positive attitudes for additional responsibilities.
  • Be punctual: Try to come in office early. That will lead you a lot for finishing all task in advance.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

daily motivation tips
Success is everything in our career. If  we want to be succeed in the workplace then we need motivation for our work. Daily working life seems bore to many people. It seems because we do almost the same thing everyday. So we need to motivate ourself for the daily work whether for office work or for domestic work. But if we motivate ourself for the office work then we can be easily motivated for the rest of the time of the day, as we spend  lots of our time in the workplace.

At first, we can make plan for the first day of the week. What we will do in the first day of the week must need to planned. Thus we can prepare the whole week's work-plan  If we plan our work then no work will be left behind and we will be able to meet our deadlines also. If our works are organized then we are a step ahead to our success.

Secondly, there is no surprise that money is a great motivator in human life. Sometime we forget that big motivator. So we need to remind ourself of the money we are getting for the work we are doing. Even we can think about all the things that we want to do with that money. Thus we can work hard and can achieve our targets in life.

Lastly, positive attitude is must for success in human life. There is good and bad in every office. We need to focus on the positive matters. Being positive can make us different than others which will lead to us ahead to success.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Three simple tips to increase your salary

salary increase tips
When we join any company and become a permanent employee there then we think often how we can increase our salary level. Salary is important part of en employees life. It is definitely a motivation for work and a way for better standard of living. Who else don't think about how he can increase his salary. Once anyone determined to increase his salary he must follow the following tips to make it easier.

First, we need to think that how much our skills are worth for increasing salary. If we feel there is lacking then we need to remove the lacking as soon aw possible. If we become capable then we will be worthy. Like if you are a banker then you need to know the use of soft-wares of your company. If you are a consultant then you need to write report and for that you must need to know MS Word, MS excel  very well. That will make you worthy for the job. If you are confident about your skills and sincerity then you can negotiate it with your boss at your annual appraisal. And then it’s important to keep detailed documentation of your achievements if you have any specific targets or tasks. Try to have at least a master's degree. Get as much education as possible because there is no alternative of education. Then you can consider training or certifications that could lead to a promotion that ultimately could help increase your salary.

Second, we can learn about our line of work, so that we can keep ourself update with recent trends and developments. This can be a key to increasing our salary. Like, we can attend industry conferences and seminars, reading industry publications or setting up regular lunch meetings with others in our field to exchange information and ideas. That will expand your networking also.

Last but not the least start taking difficult challenges if you are confident, but you need to be make sure that management is aware of your those contributions.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

better standard of living

We have heard the proverb that – “Money is the second God”. We all want money in our life. When our standard of living becomes high then our daily expenditures also increase according to.  And then we have only one choice to keep the high standard of living by increasing source of earnings. To earn more or to increase salaries we must need to enhance our productivity. Our motivation will show us how to find a way to enhance our productivity. It is time to be more productive so we could possibly do more.

Our workplace is the right place for us to increase our productiveness. Our workplace is that place where we work for earning. Our office can be our workplace as well as our home, if we work at our home. Now the question is how might we increase our productiveness at the workplace?

There are lots of practical ways to do so. For starting, it will be best to learn how to correctly set goals. We can set our targets every day. Suppose it will be best to have targets for today. We should not overlook simple and small goals as well as. We need to work to attain those objectives on everyday basis. We would be surprised if we count how much work we could get done a week. We have already enhanced our productivity in that week or month undoubtedly.

Once we start to set our target we need to observe that, is our work place always too crowded? It may be because we are so busy with works and different types of working materials for our actions. We need to clean our desk oftentimes.  Keep the necessary files, papers and materials to the right place and remove unnecessary items from the workplace.

We need to free our private PC from many pointless files. Productivity is often affected when our PC is stuffed with many unnecessary files because the performance of the machine might be slowed down then.
We need to manage our PC files by gathering our essential documents and categorize them appropriately. We need remove pointless records data or store them in our backup or removable disk.

We must always be ready to finish our work before deadline. Always we need to report to work on time because punctuality is an important factor for productivity. If we come to the office on time, we may begin working early. If we start early, then we will definitely finish early. Then we'll observe that at the end of each day, we are able to achieve and complete extra tasks.

Last but not the least; we need to preserve our focus and goals. We can be work offline so that we will not be tempted to surf aimlessly. Our productiveness can be bolstered because there would be minimized distractions. At the end of the work day, we will end up doing more work.

We need to keep good relation with our colleagues. One thing we should keep in our mind that we are at the office to work, not socialize. But cooperation is must for a better working environment. So keep smiling and enjoy the work with altogether.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My Career at Bank Asia

bank asia ltd bangladesh

Bank Asia Limited offers you an opportunity to touch a life with growth and social status if you build up your career just right here.Do you want to be part of a company where your actions reflect  ethics, where people live their guiding principles, then consider your career at Bank Asia Limited. Bank Asia completely understand that people are the center of a company's success. Being a highly-skilled and trained employees you can provide the best services to customers.

Not only a better career but also success will be with you. Working with Bank Asia as a Bank Asia employee will offer you the opportunity of an exciting career as well as a social recognition with its Brand image with good working conditions and the opportunity for continuous development and training.

Bank Asia is looking for young, energetic, proactive, enthusiastic, result oriented individuals who will be able to uphold the values of the organization by following the guiding principles of Bank Asia Limited by being Creative, Open, Respectful, Ethical, Simple, Passionate, Owner and Transparent. Focusing on not just developing a talent pool but on succession planning for key positions in the Bank. Click here Career at Bank Asia Limited to know about Careers at EXIM Bank.